Adjustment ball for rear view mirror hanger



Sep 21, 2020
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Hello just curious how the adjustment ball for the rear view mirror hanger works, do I need to replace the ball, or is something like a seal that is suppose to go around it? It is for a 69 dart, but I imagine it is pretty common for A bodies
Thanks, since no real solution opted for an outing underneath the back plate works pretty good. Just hate rigging stuff
I just did mine. Are you talking the ball in the photo?



Their is a plate on the backside. Throw a thin feeler gage under it and screw it back down.
I had the same problem, I smeared it with a little valve grinding compound. That tightened it up and let it move easily at the same time. If something is worn out on yours I'm pretty sure I have an extra one floating around here somewhere.
IF just tightening the little pressure plate on the inside of the mount does not tighten it up then you have 2 more options, I have used a small piece of sandpaper between the ball and the little pressure plate behind it and it worked for me. After I did that I saw someone here recommend removing the little pressure plate piece and place it flat on some smooth concrete with the dimple side facing up, give it a light tap with a hammer to "flatten the dimple" just a tiny bit then test fit. Repeat as needed, it really shouldn't take much force to change the shape
I just squeeze the 3 holed plate a little in a vice to tighten up that ball.