Advance to daylight timing tonight?



It's going to get stupid around here!
FABO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hoppyworld, PA
OK I was wondering do I have to advance my timing since the clocks do tonight?
OK I was wondering do I have to advance my timing since the clocks do tonight?
Yes you do!

So clock wise in the northern hemisphere and CCW in the southern right?
in the Spring you "spring ahead"..... in the Fall you "fall back" It's all to do with winter fuels
That would explain why in AZ its best to leave timing alone.
That explains everything! My car came from Albuquerque, so I've been following the Mountain Time Zone all this time. I have so much to learn...
The confusing part is whether vacuum is effected. If it doesn't suck, its left.
Now are we talking initial or total..:eek: I'm always confused, and then I'm late ................or early ? :(:(.......... see confused. Vacuum hose on / off .:BangHead: .I wish they would stop this, the farmers are sleeping and laughing at everyone,:lol: or was it that NZ bug guy..:eek: the bastard.:mob:
So traveling acoss time zones will the car bog down and need readjusting?
OK, here's my story. Last night started to get into bed, "remembered", reset the clocks, lay down in bed, AND REALIZED I HAD SET THEM BACK AN HOUR. There's only 5 clocks, but one of them is a beoawch to reach......................

Now, this morning, I still have to deal with the poorly designed TV set menu, as well as the stations who don't get their programming readout corrected for "a few days."
With a digital ignition does the A mean advanced or after?
Or are they tied to an atomic clock?
I just use WWV, well, I did until cellphones came along. They are always right...............

WOW, they've been around for 100 years as of 2019

NIST Radio Station WWV Celebrates a Century of Service

When I was in school, I played like I was playing violin. Our home piano was in poor tune, and sometimes I'd use WWV to get an "A" (440 hz, A above middle C) You had to be careful, for some periods of the day, they would send "D" instead

WWV parody

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