Air Cleaner Lid decal



Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
Yesterday, I decided I was sick of looking at the tired, bubbling, and cracking paint on the air cleaner lid in my '67 Dart 270 (225cid L6). Also, the "CHARGER 225" and air filter instruction decals were both shot and need to be replaced.

(Sure, it's a four-door. Sure, it's a slant-6. Sure, it's not particularly impressive. But I still want her to look nice.)

I can find the CHARGER 225 decal fairly easily, but I'm having trouble locating the air filter instruction decal. If you can't tell from the picture, the top reads "MOPAR Air Cleaner Part No 2402704". Anyone have any idea where I can find this?

I haven't looked for this particular decal, but Classic Has a lot of decals listed. Check them out. Hope you find what you are searching for.
I disagree with your statement about being unimpressive. Anytime I see a 50 year old car driving around and looking good, I'm impressed! People will notice your car much more than if you have a newer model. Drive proud and enjoy. Wave to all of the folks around you. That drives my wife insane. Old school I guess!
Thanks for your help! Personally, I'm of the persuasion that it should be omitted if it's not the right decal / sticker. However, you've given me an excellent resource. I'll get in touch with the folks at Performance Car Graphics and see if they can't whip something up for me. Maybe they're just waiting for a demand to be felt before creating one!