Well-Known Member
I recently put in a painless 8 circuit race system in my 73 dart with a 5 toggle (plus push button start) moroso switch panel. I have ignition, starter, fuel pump, fan, lights, and water pump all wired in with no problem. I just can't firure out were the alt and voltage regulator would hook up to. Im pretty sure there's a 18ga and a 14ga wire im not totally sure of the colors right now and I know the big wire is going straight to the battery and one goes straight to the voltage regulator but which one is it? Where does the other wire go? By the way I do not have the factory electronic ignition im running a msd digital 6al. The harness was hacked when I bought it. There's so many splices and butt connectors from the prev owner im not sure where it goes. Thanks for the input.