Alternative Word For Face Mask



Pedal to the metal
FABO Gold Member
Nov 26, 2015
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We are trying to be positive. Our Governor just applied the mandate. A lot of pissed off people and non compliance. I have put a lot of sweaty hours in, donning a tight p95 particulate mask. I don't feel too sorry for the person behind the counter in their air conditioned store and their loose fitting mask. I would like to lighten the situation instead of escalating the anger. I have convince my retail working wife to be more facetious than outright angry. Asking her to compliment people on their "face covering" instead of just clamming up and being angry.
Sooo, What ya got for alternative words for a mask? This should be good.
I always tell em their yellow streak is showing
Hard to say while you are wearing the same mask. County health department can shut us down if we dont wear them. Short of quiting her job, her hands are tied.
Fun fact. Montana has the lowest % of population effected. 1 third of deaths are Native Americans. Indians are 7% of the population.
Ronco Diethong?
I want to walk into a bank wearing a mask that says,
Or how about

no ******* 1.png
Some race horses were "blinders" around their eyes.. we just were blinders over our mouths and noses!?? LOL

Texas is ate up with the China bug. Some counties are shut down again. Many national chain stores require the mask to enter, in all states.

The under 30 crowd is getting a large portion of the blame spreading the bug here. Much of the spread is between Mexico and South Texas. The protesters never got any blame. Go figure.

Pass the stuffed jalapenos!!
Wear one, when necessary, to protect others. -- The numbers may be inflated, -- But, too many people are dying.