Another Milestone



"No Value Added" Member
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Post #1,000 :cheers:

Thanks FABO for putting up with me so far. I just hope I haven't offended too many with my useless posts. Just remember 99% of my comments are off the cuff and don't really mean anything. See... like right now..... useless rambling. :bootysha: :toothy10:
Anyhow, here's to many more posts together. Bottom's up, I'm buying. :drinkers: :drinkers:

Geez Wilde you're just given er eh. Pretty soon you'll be a post hoare like myself, It's good that you're having fun.
Congrats there Wylde1, it sure is nice to have you around!!! Here's to another 10,000 more!!! Geof
You really are a Wylde1.

1000 posts!!!:cheers::cheers::-D:happy10:8):cheers::snakeman::snakeman::wav:

Looking forward to the next 1000 bud.8)
Geez Wilde you're just given er eh. Pretty soon you'll be a post hoare like myself, It's good that you're having fun.

Well, considering that I took on a second job shortly after I joined this site and didn't post much for a year after that, I guess I shoulda hit 1000 a long time ago. I'm making up for it now. :cheers:

You're welcome for us putting up with you Wylde1 but you can bet we're still watching you everyday so you better be good or we'll tell Santa.
Now go for some more.
Small Block
You got a ways to go to catch up with some of the post *****'s around here. You got the easy part done, from now on your posts have to make sense. LOL

Have one on me!

Congrats wylde1!
Yeah, you've been around lol.

And thanks for allowing me this congratulatory post so I can increase my count :)
