Any Accordion fans?



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Picked this up cheap, I dont even know how to play it but it just looked so cool. Early 60's Italian tacky chic! Check out that brightwork, like a grill of a 50's land yacht. Its body is in pearl cellulose with matching keys, bass keys in clear yellow and the 'black keys' are done up in groovy gold metal flake, far out! All the bright work with exception of the 2 bass registers is perfect, and the bellows are tight. I'm going to give it to my Mother-in-law as she played one when she was young, and her husband HATES the sound of bagpipes...well, close enough! Oh, and as a bonus: this one is mic'd baby. See the amp jack, volume and tone knobs? Get that Marshall stack out and really piss of the neighbors with a slow ride "Danny Boy" on a Saturday night!
That's cool Pish, but I thought they were illegal to play! Seriously, that looks like a serious work of art. That's a beaut!
Lordy lordy Steve, looks awesome but I gotta say they sound like **** lol ( no offense)
You should threaten the father in law that Mama is getting amped next
this is one of my favorite accordion songs
(actually, this band uses them a lot, ill try to find a few more songs for you)

they are from a tiny hamlet in the Netherlands called Amerika (hence the CD cover) and they sing in a local dialect

I saw "Flogging Molly" the night before I bought it....and that band ROCKS one! Im trying to learn to play The bagpipe solo in AC-DC's "Long way to the top" but the player in Molly jams. Who am I kidding, Ill never learn this. Im just looking forward to see the face of Mom, then the face of Dad!
My dad played accordion when he was younger. He supposedly picked another one up in the last ten years, but I've never heard him play it. I think he would drool over your find there. It's a beaut!
That is Bling for an instrument! My old foreman at work played the accordion, he was really good. I saw him drop 5k on a "smaller" version. Also, working on them is a lost art, hard to find anyone with those skills any more. That is one unique gift, love it!!!
From Jay Leno,
"Definition of an optimist - an accordion player with a business card".

Actually, that is a pretty nice looking piece of equipment. Had a friend many years ago that owned a triple black '74 Dart Sport, 4 speed and he played - quite well I thought, so you are not alone in the Mopar world.
Cool find. My first job was in a German restaurant, I worked there off and on for many years, it was a fun atmosphere. Here's an accordion piece I liked, shouldn't be too hard to learn!
Just think, with some practice you too can do this.

I've been playing the accordion for years now, and was in a zydeco band back in the 80's when Cajun and zydeco were first becoming popular! You need to check out guys like Buckwheat Zydeco, C.J. Chenier, and my all time favorite player Beau Jocque, these guys will make you think twice about the stereotype of the accordion!! If you ever get a chance, catch Buckwheat live, he puts on one hell of a show!!
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Dude, I saw that guy! Buckwheat Zydeco at either Summerfest in Milwaukee or Taste of Chicago back in about 92. If it was Summerfest, we had to cut out early to catch Bon Jovi at the main arena. That was a blur because we knew a guy who worked for Pabst and we spent the entire weekend in the Pabst beer tent. PBR and about 10 different P brews on tap. I still get sick at the sight of Pabst Genuine Draft....