anybody have the February 2014 issue of Mopar muscle?



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
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Louisville Kentucky
My Son won the Dyno Challenge at the Mopar Nationals this year and his picture is supposed to be in the February 2014 issue of Mopar Muscle Magazine(the current issue) We checked around everywhere to try and pick one up but after calling them it looks like they don't have any distribution in this area. If someone has an issue they would be willing to sell or can pick me up a copy I would be happy to pay for it and whatever it costs to mail it to me.
Hello Chuck, I have a current copy you are welcome to have mine. I read then and then store then away, not sure what I am going to do with them one day maybe keep if someone needs one like you.
Send me an message and you are welcome to mine.....


Richard Jorgensen
Thanks for the response, He has a 2003 Viper SRT10 and it won the non power adder category with 432 rear wheel horsepower. The next guy down had a 1969 Hemi Charger that pulled 428 RWH. He got a Jacket with his name on it and a gift certificate for a couple of hundred bucks in Amsoil products but he's got the big head and wants to see his name in print!
I've got that issue and read the whole article. There isn't any mention of a 2003 Viper SRT10 anywhere in the article?
I've got that issue and read the whole article. There isn't any mention of a 2003 Viper SRT10 anywhere in the article?

feb the one my red duster in didnt see anything about the viper and i got march one too nothing about it in it


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You may be right about the Web site but that is not what is in the book.... I have all issues and his did not make the book. I have Jan Feb and March and it is not in there, you can have other readers tell me wrong but it is not in the book.
Thanks for all the input guys, I don't guess it was in the print version. Great article on the web with video of some of the cars on the dyno. I suppose he will just have to print it off of his computer. Fun time doing the dyno challenge and the best part was it was free. The guys from Amsoil saw him drive by and ask if he wanted to do it. He had been wanting to dyno his car for a while and was going to pay for it. I kept telling him it wouldn't pull over 400 RWH because of drivetrain losses but I had to eat those words. For a bone stock car it's a beast to drive. I grew up driving 440-6 and Hemi cars and I don't think any of them pulled as hard as that thing. I think next spring we might run up to Ohio and do the flying mile just to see how fast it will go.
Thanks for all the input guys, I don't guess it was in the print version. Great article on the web with video of some of the cars on the dyno. I suppose he will just have to print it off of his computer. Fun time doing the dyno challenge and the best part was it was free. The guys from Amsoil saw him drive by and ask if he wanted to do it. He had been wanting to dyno his car for a while and was going to pay for it. I kept telling him it wouldn't pull over 400 RWH because of drivetrain losses but I had to eat those words. For a bone stock car it's a beast to drive. I grew up driving 440-6 and Hemi cars and I don't think any of them pulled as hard as that thing. I think next spring we might run up to Ohio and do the flying mile just to see how fast it will go.

thanks i look in jan book but could not find it , i;ll do the web site next