Anyone familiar with Desoto's?



Joe- Long Island, Oakdale
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
Long Island
I found one on cl and think it would be pretty cool. Flathead 6 which scares the crap out of me and fluid drive transmission. The whole car is there and not rotted. I can get it cheap but im just wondering what you guys think. Im a broke college student but I feel that hopping on this deal is worth it and can have it for years. its a 49 coupe by the way. Im also a little leery because it's in ct and im on long island.

I believe there is a lot of info I can help you with regarding the old Desoto;but first-whether or not to buy:1)Do I want an old car like this?2)What do I want-resto,rat rod,gasser,street rod?3)Do I have a place to keep a long term project?Answer these for yourself before 'a deal' becomes 'a nightmare'.Holler back-BPWordman
I took a 47 Desoto convertible in worse shape,into a daily driver. THere are parts out there you just have look a little. The flathead head six with fluid drive is no speed wagon. That is why I replaced mine with a 68 Plymouth 318, with a 904. Check out the National Desoto Club. They helped me out a lot with parts and info. The cool thing is when you get it done you will be driving something that is different for sure
Thanks stoke I appreciate the guidance. I mean the flathead 6 would be cool for sure. But I am really interested in the process you went through with swapping it to a 318/904 combo. If you don't mind email me post it on this thread or pm me. If you had any pics of the 47 that would be cool to.
I will post some pics as soon as I figure out how to do so. If you go to and click on members cars, mine is the red convertible
Just make sure you dont get over your head. The old mopars dont bring what a Ford coupe will. I have have a 51 Plymouth business coupe (3 window ) and found the money isnt there for resale. I am currently building a 41 Chrysler ( 3 window ) business coupe and I think that one finished will be worth a little more but dont plan to sell.