Well-Known Member
Is it worth getting Electric Water pump and or only Electric fans for a weekend warrior? The most the Car Would be driven is 2-4 times a week IF that and maybe few times a month at the Strip.
after an electric fan took a crap 2 hours from home on my i'm sticking with a reliable belt driven fan..
have a buddy running a tarus fan and a Meziere water pump on his cuda with no problems. he doesn't go too far from home with the car because of the 4.30 gears though..
i have a new moroso pump for a smallblock lying here in a box and i dont think it will give me more trouble than any other electric component in the car, from the "feel" of it, i would guestimate that its a good quality piece ant it says made in usa on the box.
however i chose this pump for one reason only and that is that i want to keep my blower snout as short as possible and also i want the blower belt as close to the crank as humanly possible, hopefully it is a good unit
if it really says "made in the usa", i would return that