Autogauge Tach



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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I've been having starting problems with my car recently. It will start fine most of the time but once in a while it will refuse to start. It turns over but there's no spark. Wait 5 minutes and then it will start. I'm using an FBO ignition that is about 6 years old and have had no problems with it till now.
I did add an Autogauge tach that I bought new from Summit in August. Saturday I tried to start it and it wouldn't fire, so I took off the tach signal wire from the coil and it started right up. Look's like the tach is the culprit and now I have to try and send it back.
Should I get the same kind to replace it or try something else? The tach worked fine except for starting problem. Anyone have issues with Autogauge brand products?
If the tach works on another car OK,then there is another problem.If it does the same thing,then there is a problem for sure.Is the tach wired correctly? Is it on 8 cylinder?if you have a friends tach to test the system try it to make sure.Then see if there is any way to return it or get a upgrade or get a high dollar unit,mrmopartech
A tach does take some energy from ignition circuit. An estimate of that, could be measured with an Ohm meter, by measuring the disconnected tach lead to ground ignition off. I would expect about 100k Ohms would be good.

It is also possible that there is a voltage drop in the ignition circuit, making it weak. Adding the tach, lowers the HV ignition enough to make it no start. So measure the voltage at the coil + terminal to ground, engine running. If the circuit, has a ballast resistor, it should measure about 7V.
I just installed a set of Auto Gage gauges this weekend, so I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. Sorry, I didn't use their tach.
If the tach wire going to the ignition has an intermittent short to ground, there's your huckleberry. I have actually had that problem before and confirmed it with a meter. But as others have said, I would not condemn the tach until I diagnosed it and confirmed it first. I suppose that if you continue to drive it and it never fails to start without the tach, that answers the question.
Well I did some checking and heres what I found.

At the ballast resistor with the car running I have 14.19-13.82 volts on one side and 8.13-7.84 on the other side. With the car off I have 1.1 ohms across the ballast resistor.
With the car running I have 7.94-7.54 on the positive side of the coil.
I got no reading with the tach wire to ground.
So it appears that my ignition system is ok. I guess the ECU could be acting up, but it never has until the tach was installed. And the instructions stated that the tach was ok to use on Mopar ignition systems. The FBO system I'm using is about the same as a Mopar system.

I only have a week or so to figure it out before my 90 days are up on returning it.
Put a switch inline with it and that way when the car doesn't start just flip the switch and see if it starts.
If it does, it's the tach.
Something new happened today. The car was sitting in my driveway running and it died, turned over but no start. It didn't have the tach wire on the coil at the time. Replaced the FBO ecu with my spare orange box I keep in my trunk and starts right up and idles fine.

So I guess the tach is ok but my ignition box is toast. Don't know what to do now. The car idled a lot better with the FBO box over the orange Mopar box. I just want to plug in a new box and not splice wires.My only choices are to go with a Mopar chrome or the new FBO. Not really wanting to go with the FBO now with this failure. Are the new FBO boxes better or the same as the Mopar chrome? Thanks to all for your help.
Jump on Ebay and get you a Standard Ignition LX101. DON'T get a look alike. Make SURE it's a Standard. They are NOS now, but they are better than any of the boxes commin outta the Mopar stable now...I hate to say it.

This seems to be a boni fide Standard unit. None of the real Standard Ignition units come painted. If it's painted, it's a knock off. Don't buy it.

Here's one box and all.
Hey, thanks for the links. Just wondering if those boxes are a stock replacement. I want a box that doesn't retard the timing like the Mopar boxes do.
Hey, thanks for the links. Just wondering if those boxes are a stock replacement. I want a box that doesn't retard the timing like the Mopar boxes do.

Sounds like your drinking a little bit of Dons Kool Aid.
He's been bashing everybody's boxes for years,while his are the greatest since sliced bread. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that his boxes are just re-packaged
store brand units.
Sounds like your drinking a little bit of Dons Kool Aid.
He's been bashing everybody's boxes for years,while his are the greatest since sliced bread. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that his boxes are just re-packaged
store brand units.

Haven't drank Kool Aid in decades. All I know is that my car idles smoother and runs a lot better with the FBO box than it did with the orange one. I just don't want to go backwards performance wise.