Back up light bezel question

the 69's are a little longer. I have both sets ane it's about 3/8ths of an inch difference. I haven't tried to mount the 69's but the sizes look identical at the base.
Both long and short styles are reproduced. Watch ebay for them.
the 69's are a little longer. I have both sets ane it's about 3/8ths of an inch difference. I haven't tried to mount the 69's but the sizes look identical at the base.

Ok I guess there is a difference then. I'm just wondering if 69 will mount up to the 67. If they do then 3/8 difference would be hard to notice. Mine are pitted in places and actually need the black gaskets that go around the bezel's edge.
You can split a piece of small tubing with a razor to recreate that gasket.