Bad ebay Mopar seller



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2009
Reaction score
I just spent 6 wks with a bad seller and need to vent and warn others. "richperformance", aka Ricardo Varona of Miami, sells many Mopar parts, including MP. Item MOPAR DODGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER 340-6 SIX PACK PUSHRODS is still listed, though he may not actually have any.

He first demanded $10 shipping, which I had already paid. After several illiterate e-mails weeks apart, I filed a dispute before Paypal's limit. He then shipped regular ball-ball pushrods, not the "ball-cup, for adjustable rockers" listed. This e-mail shows his attitude:

"I'm a PHD in mechanical engineering. That doesn't mean squat to me. I've tried to fix your problem. I have your money, you have the wrong parts, who is at a loss? I'll follow Paypal's outcome."

Paypal is crediting me back, though not the $11 return shipping. I just wish they would kick these deadbeats off ebay. On the bright side, I have bought ~100 items on ebay in the last 6 months, including the 65 Dart I started with, and Rico is the first problem seller.

I peruse For Sales on FABO and got a beautiful set of Cragars from GTXexperience. That was easy, drove to SF, paid cash, and drove them home. No >$200 shipping.

I need pushrods because I bought a hydraulic cam & lifters, since solids are rare and I don't care to adjust valves. I found Summit has them for only $38 (cheaper than Rico). I am hoping SUM-G6420 will work. They list 7.234"L, close to the 340 TA book value of 7.25"L. My stock pushrods are 7.344"L (7.5"L end-end), so Summit's are 0.11 shorter. I measure the hyd lifters are 0.20" taller, but the gap & preload will drop that by 0.05". The smaller cam base circle drops another 0.015", so I can back off the adjusters the remaining 0.025" (near limit) and hope the valves don't recede faster than the valve-train wears. Someday I'll pull the heads and install hardened seats (compression is OK). Isn't valve-train design complicated?
Hey Bill I have nearly 500 deals on eBay with only three that were not as viewed. One was delivered not in condition that was stated, but the 300.00 was cheerfully refunded. Another was partially as viewed. Another 10.00 item never showed up, so I just wrote it off. Did you give the seller bad feedback? Wayne
Yep, I left negative feedback. He tried to get it canceled, but no luck. The bad sellers know all the tricks, which must be how they maintain >95% ratings. On the bright side, ebay no longer allows sellers to post retaliatory feedback in a buyer's name, though they can have the last word in their feedback.

I only left bad feedback once before, in 2001, when a guy sent a damaged, used tankless water heater after claiming new and showing a new box. His attitude was the same as this guy "YOUR problem", etc. I was so disappointed with the process (no Paypal refund, retaliatory feedback) that I stopped ebay'ing for 5 years. However, it is almost essential for finding rare auto parts, and most sellers are great. Also, you can have as many problems with brick and mortar vendors.