Ball stud bracket for z-bar / torque shaft



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
Trying to install the z-bar and something is off.. The body of the bar is sitting at an angle from the fender side to the bellhousing.
I'm using the z-bar from my original a230 3spd.. I installed a 4spd and im wondering if everything is interchangeable..? The 4 spd bellhousing appears to be the same as the bellhousing that came with the 4spd..The 4spd bellhousing has the holes for both 3 and 4spd trannys.. Are there 2 different bellhousing ball stud brackets..? Am I missing something obvious..?? Actually, there is a diff between the bellhousings as far as how the bracket attaches... The 3spd housing bracket holes are at a bit of an angle whereas the 4 spd holes are inline / straight up and down from each other... I sure hope the correct bracket is available...
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There are two ball studs for A-Bodies

This is the 72-up

1972-UP A-BODY SMALL BLOCK BELLHOUSING BALLSTUD/BRACKET - Mopar A833 4-Speed Transmission & Component Specialists

Inertia posted the 71-down.

Which do you have?
From my research, it looks like I have the 68 -71 bellhousing and my ball stud bracket from my 72 bellhousing wouldn't line up.. I just ordered the 68-71 bracket from Brewers..
The 68-71 mount holes for the bracket are vertical and the 72/up are far as I can tell.
Yeah, they are different. My '69 had had a '72 bellhousing in it when I bought it. Had to change that pivot when I got a scattershield. The z-bar can still be off horizontally, depending on how the front motor mounts were tightened up, weight on or weight off. Can add up to 1/2" at the front of the engine. It wouldn't be a lot at the z-bar, but have a look at it.