Best shipper



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Thinking of moving, so instead of hauling spare parts I am thinking of selling some. Nothing big or heavy like rear ends or fenders, more like a carb or two or stuff that sized. Who do you guys find ships the cheapest? I know there’s no absolute, but don’t want to spend half a day running around getting quotes
If it fits in a USPS flat rate box I would go with that, no quotes needed
If it fits in a USPS flat rate box I would go with that, no quotes needed
That's my preferred method. You sometimes can print your own label for non flat rate items and save money vs bringing it in a different having the employees weigh it, etc.

Whatever method you choose, over pack it if possible.
Whatever method you choose, over pack it if possible
This is the biggest thing I've learned, don't trust anyone but you and the recipient to care about the package, no one does and they will treat it as such.

I will be sending door glass to the UK, and I know no one cares but me and the guy getting it. Delicate, you bet. I'll pack it in a box inside another box, with packing to coushin the glass, and also to coushin the other box. It's all up to you.