Best WaterPump for 63 Valiant 225?


Narek H

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2016
Reaction score
Los angeles
Hi there,
My Waterpump leaks water out and I need to find a good one to replace.

Can someone please help me out to find the best Waterpump for 1963 Slant 6 225 engine?

I know autozone has some compatible ones.. are they good and reliable?
Sock will work as good as any. Summit has them and im sure NAPA as well.

I bought a brand new TRW pump for my /6 in '88, lasted 3 mos. and took a nice pee in my folks driveway. Went back to the store to exchange it and........"uh, we don't have another
one here, if you want to order.....",or you can accept this rebuilt POS. I needed the car running so....... rust pitted impeller,ford blue paint & all I took it. Ran for the next 10yrs. w/
10's of thousands of mi. 6K burnouts, and a few ill advised touches to 7K(not pulling obviously,lol), multi strip trips, etc. Lesson? You never know, so go to napa,rock auto,whatever,
buy install and drive.
Rockauto usually lists many w/ photos, and sometimes grades them. I haven't seen any difference in slant water pumps, all sheet-metal impellors I recall. SlantSixDan here is the expert so may chime in.
In general it grows harder every day to get good-quality parts for our old cars. Doesn't matter what brand you buy; pretty much all the water pumps presently available for Slant-6 engines are Chinese or Thai junk with incorrect impellers (too many blades = earlier cavitation at lower RPM) and low-bid bearings and seals. You might get lucky and have a new pump work OK and last awhile, but we are no longer in the days when we had a choice of five or six or ten reputable brands all offering good-quality pumps and there were differences among them other than the name on the box.

I've spent enough years squirrelling away good American-made parts that I have too many for my own needs, including water pumps; send me a PM if you wish.