Bet ya didn't know.......


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
......what the real problem stems from.
You've probably known all along that there are "Herds of Cattle", "Schools of Fish", "Flocks of Chickens", and "Gaggles of Geese". But did you know there is such things as a "Pride of Lions", and "Murder of Crows, Rooks, and Ravens", an "Exaltation of Doves", and a "Parliment of Owls". Something we probably didn't know but should have because it's in our face is there is such a thing as a "Congress of Baboons". This is real in more ways than one. A little lesson in nature this morning for ya.
Small Block
this is kinda like expressions...."whats got your goat?", or where does the word **** come from.

I discovered while doing research on my fainting goat(long story) that horse trainers kept goats as companions for race horses. If an less than honest opponent wanted to cause the favored horse stress they would steal the goat. Hence "whats got your goat" or "who's got your goat". The horse would be stressed from missing its companion and not perform well. Of course this could all be bullshit but it sounded logical to me. :)
I believe the term "congress" was applied to a group of Baboons, long before it was applied to the US government. Though it does seem apropos. lol
Thank you for this cool info Bill :happy1:
So!! If allot of apple trees are together it's called a grove
does this mean if there is allot of fabo members together they are called a Drove of members ? :D