Bet you never had this in your air filter!!



Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2006
Reaction score
Near Fresno, Calif
Here in the rodent infested Sierra's we're used to finding rodents nests & acorns in the filter. Well, this time I found a Tootsie Roll in the filter! That darn rat had to carry the thing about 200' from the van that had the bag of Tootsie Rolls in it. It wasn't one of those tiny bite size jobbers either. Sheesh!
I've seen some things like that. I've got a radiator that had lots of acorns and stuff in it. Came from a shed near the base of the "four lane" (only a local would know where that is).
Well now, if you were a squirrel, and you found this nice warm, safe, insulated, place to spend the winter ... would you not want to bring your snacks with you?

My only question is: Either you have a huge air-filter that can fit a squirrel, a very strong mouse that can carry the candy bar, or very small squirrel ... which? Lettus snow when you see him.
340mopar said:
It just goes to show that we are not the only creatures on the planet that like Mopars.

Lmao, OR tootsie rolls. haha

now thats kinda funny
ok, i dont know if i can beat that, but howabout this? i was checking my air filter out on my old dakota and inside was a big beautiful buttefly. it wasnt nasty looking or anything, it was just attached to the air cleaner with its wings spread out. i thought it was alive at first. i have a picture somewhere of it. i guess it crawled up there one day, and as soon as i started the truck it just died.
Well... mine's a bit more gruesome and a lot less funny... but my dad fried a cat up pretty good on his way to work last winter. He has a 454 in his '73 Stingray that's notorious for running hot...

Needless to say he smelled something horrible coming from the engine bay when he got out of the Corvette, so he popped the hood and there was the neighbors cat "Sox" melted to the passenger-side header...
Bakarooda said:
Well... mine's a bit more gruesome and a lot less funny... but my dad fried a cat up pretty good on his way to work last winter. He has a 454 in his '73 Stingray that's notorious for running hot...

Needless to say he smelled something horrible coming from the engine bay when he got out of the Corvette, so he popped the hood and there was the neighbors cat "Sox" melted to the passenger-side header...
i'm speachless!!!!!
7demon2 said:
i'm speachless!!!!!

that was kinda nasty..

but when you think about it and how you probably hated 'sox' anyway.. its kinda funny in a morbid way.

its something you would see in a foriegn commercial about cabin air filters in a new saab or something... they would take this beautiful long haired fluffy white cat with blue eyes and as it dissapears under the car the whole family would feel the *bump* so to say, and hear it get sucked up into the filter and you wouldnt smell a thing in the new saab quattro vsr8 or something crazy...

Silly foreigners..
Well I did warn you...

Cerwin said:
but when you think about it and how you probably hated 'sox' anyway.. its kinda funny in a morbid way.
Hehe... that cat was a pain in the *** :violent2:
Jim Lusk said:
I've seen some things like that. I've got a radiator that had lots of acorns and stuff in it. Came from a shed near the base of the "four lane" (only a local would know where that is).

The Dart I just bought had at least 5 pounds of bird seed in it from mice
The creature with the sweet tooth is a pack rat , AKA wood rat. They are HUGE! We are infested with them here in the Sierra's. They're amazing, smart animals when out in the woods but NOT when they are in your cars! The Fury has a large air filter compartment. I'm considering changing it to one like the one in the Barracuda. It doesn't have a place for the rats to hide in.

Last month I was driving my Hyundai & had stopped at an intersection. I noticed a huge rat hop out of the engine compartment (it was a really hot day). I just about burned rubber getting out of there. As I looked in the rear view mirror I could see the animal lumbering along the side of the road, headed for a nearby restaurant. I wonder what the people behind me thought!!

Jim, is the end of the 4 lane right before you get on the Ikeway?
Couldn't you put a piece of rabbit cage style mesh in the air cleaner snorkle to keep them out? The mess shouldn't restrict the air flow that much.
I don't know what the Ikeway is. I'm talking about 168 to Shaver Lake. Lots of critters out there and some of them are human.