Black out hood question...



Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Barto, PA
I'm going to paint my '73 Duster with the black-out hood scheme (the one that continues around the side windows) - I recently saw another Duster with this paint scheme in person. He had the 2 small chrome vinyl top trim pieces on the a-pillars where the color and black-out meet. I've seen tons of pics on the internet and see many without any trim where the colors meet. Question is - was there originally a trim peice there on cars with that paint scheme (maybe it depended on what plant it came from)?

Either way, I like thre trim, so I'm going to use it - I'm just curious as to what was original.

Also - if anyone has pics of that trim part installed (regardless of the paint scheme) I'd appreciate if you could post it. I can't find a close-up of this peice anywhere on the web.