Broken studs slant 6 ex manifold



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Pittsburgh, PA
Well, of course I broke two of the three studs that bolt the intake and exhaust manifolds together. I am planning on drilling them out. Any advice? A good drill bit to use? I will be using an air drill. I know the holes are threaded, I figured I would use bolts with nuts when I get these out.
I went through the same thing about a year ago. I ended up using a carbide bit to drill them out then used oversize bolts when I put it back together. It was a real PITA.
My original manifold had deep pits and damaged studs. So I got another one at a local U-pull. After an hour in the hot sun getting it and a couple more hours trying to fix it, I gave up and bought a new one. I think I had every hole EITHER straight or centered, but none were both. LOL

To answer your question, Best thing I would say is set up something as a guide for your bit . It's pretty far through there and needs to align with the intake above and the linkage bracket holes underneath.
just take it to a machine shop and have them do it...

and before reassembly use a remflex gasket between the intake and exh manifolds, never leak again...
Try welding a nut to it. Usually the heat from the weld will loosen it up enough to get it out. Or like Moparkid said easier to take to a machine shop!