Budget ring filer ?????



in the tire smoke
Sep 21, 2007
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hay guys give me some kinda idea to file fit the rings for my little 340 I dont plan to do but this 1 and didnt want to spend the extra $$$ for a ring filer if not needed..so let me hear how you file rings please...or do I have to just buy the filer?????
hay guys give me some kinda idea to file fit the rings for my little 340 I dont plan to do but this 1 and didnt want to spend the extra $$$ for a ring filer if not needed..so let me hear how you file rings please...or do I have to just buy the filer?????

Buy one once and you'll have it for life. I bought one from Summit for under 50 bucks.
It's pretty difficult to do correctly without the filer. Keeping the ends square is just too hard to do with a hand held file. I agree with SG, buy it once and you'll have it forever.
Or.... buy it , use it once.... throw it on Ebay for sale and make most of your $ back.
It's not to dificult, what i do is clamp the ring to a project table i have, theres a cut for a file in the table, i clamp the ring aligned with the cut and file like that it files even every time!

It's pretty difficult to do correctly without the filer. Keeping the ends square is just too hard to do with a hand held file. I agree with SG, buy it once and you'll have it forever.
I borrowed one from the machine shop that did my block work. Give it a try.
