CA sliding into the ocean?



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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LOS ANGELES — A large chunk of a Los Angeles street and the coastal bluff it sat on crumbled into the ocean amid heavy rains on Sunday.
A section of Paseo Del Mar in the San Pedro area that for months had been creeping toward the ocean collapsed as a storm struck Southern California, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said in a statement.
The mayor said there were no injuries and no property was damaged.
The scenic route had been long closed. It had been bisected by 25-foot-deep fissures in places and the city had erected a chain link fence and warning signs.
The fissures first appeared last spring, and engineers had been monitoring potential landslide risk.
The peninsula's scenic qualities prompted decades of homebuilding that some experts blame for further destabilizing the historically unstable ocean bluffs.
If they can just get all the left wing idiots to slide off, the state will be a much better place.
This is no big deal for California.
Up here in Northern California, if we get some really big Pacific storms in the wintertime, there are areas in the city of Pacifica that always slide back into the ocean.
Then Highway 1 also gets closed down lots of times due to the mountain coming down onto the highway.
nature never intended coastlines to stay static, they are supposed to move, they must be fluid like the water they share space with,
man vs nature, .nature will always win
In the South Bay (Torrance, Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach) there is regular fissure occurances on PCH. There is also a large track where the road has shifted side to side no biggie....
LOS ANGELES — A large chunk of a Los Angeles street and the coastal bluff it sat on crumbled into the ocean amid heavy rains on Sunday.
A section of Paseo Del Mar in the San Pedro area that for months had been creeping toward the ocean collapsed as a storm struck Southern California, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said in a statement.
The mayor said there were no injuries and no property was damaged.
The scenic route had been long closed. It had been bisected by 25-foot-deep fissures in places and the city had erected a chain link fence and warning signs.
The fissures first appeared last spring, and engineers had been monitoring potential landslide risk.
The peninsula's scenic qualities prompted decades of homebuilding that some experts blame for further destabilizing the historically unstable ocean bluffs.
My city's in the news. That small stretch of road had been pretty stable for a long time. Head north a mile, to Portuguese Bend (Near Trump's Golf course), and you can almost see the road move.
Now if they could just coordinate the G1 summit and the coastline demise to happen there at the same time that would be GOOD news!
Thats fine...Turn around and go home. :thumrigh:

I was only thinking of all the b.s laws regarding old car with my statement,nothing against the folks in Cali,but I sure wouldnt want to live there. They are making life difficult for all with thier tax grabs etc..
Nice... Love the amount of love here sometimes..
Hilarious when were needed for cars..

Place is my hometown!

Why does everything have to involve political view points anymore?
O boy another California bashing thread. Can't go to long with out one around here.
No bashing on my part, at least that was not my intention, at first. Interesting to read a few of the posts about things being somewhat fluid.....but for all the bragging some of you CA folks do about things you gotta take the good with the bad.....
I am born and raised in SoCal. I used to watch and read about all of the earthquakes, brush/wild fires and mudslides growing up. When I went to buy a house, I made sure that I bought one on flat land away from a wilderness area. That eliminated 2 of the three recurring natural events from damaging my house. So far so good in regards to earthquakes.
Oh, and I made sure not to buy a mobile home since they seem to attract tornadoes. <wink, wink>
There is more to life than rust free cars.......what good are they if they are at the bottom of a landslide or in the debris of a fire???:prayer::prayer:
Maybe Sacramento could slide into the ocean and we could just start over from scratch.


Na, were too far away for that to happen. lol
Would really take a catastrophic earthquake for that to happen, but that's a really good idea.
With all the lame brain politicians that we have downtown, i would like to see lots of them go, also.
I live in Union City. So I can count on beach front property in about 10,000, maybe 20,000 years from now?