Cam snout extension for Magnums



Apr 6, 2014
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I just ordered the cam snout extension from Hughes. Has anyone else used this in their Magnum swap?
Just wondering how it worked out?
I just ordered the cam snout extension from Hughes. Has anyone else used this in their Magnum swap?
Just wondering how it worked out?

I ordered one, ended up not using it though. My friend who built the engine was skeptical. But obviously other people have used it without issues.
I didn't like it. I tried to use a longer key way instead of the little aluminum "chip" that they send you in the kit. Not a very robust looking design that they came up with....
to many parts on the end of a cam for me I opted out for a electric pump. I got mixed reviews when I checked into it. some had no problems and some had total failure.
I'm running it. Bit of a jigsaw puzzle to piece together but works.
shoot seems kinda of mixed. I'm looking at the key they sent me and its pretty short. i was just worried about the bolt holding all that in there and lock tight basically keeping it from coming out. i',going to give it a shot since i have a new mechanical fuel pump.

thanks for all the replies
I have a couple being used one is 7 years into use & over 100K on it without the 1st problem

I use a longer key & loctite the bolt I've used 9 of them so far