'60-'61 big-car and '60-'66 left-hand-drive A-body slant-6 applications
except '65-'66 A-body with factory A/C used a rotating-rod throttle linkage. All others used a cable including most but not all variants of the right-hand-drive A-bodies.
The carb in the eBay auction is a '62-'63 Holley 1920, not a 1964 unit, originally intended for use in a B-body with crankcase ventilation (PCV) which was optional in all states exept CA and NY (where it was mandatory) in '62, standard in all 50 states + Canada for '63. With the type number which
will be stamped on the carb body where indicated in the photo I posted, I can be more specific about the carb's original application. This carb is not equipped with the throttle lever that accepts the rotating-rod throttle linkage of a pre-'67 A-body. It will work on a '65-'66 A-body with factory A/C, it will work on any RHD or LHD car originally equipped (or retrofitted) with a cable-type accelerator, and there is a (now scarce) adaptor piece that bolts onto the throttle lever of a carb like this and provides the hookup for the rotating rod.
I've had good success with these pre-'64 1920s. Seems to me some of the design changes made for '64 were aimed more at cost reduction than functional improvement. That does not mean that this particular carburetor is necessarily a good one, and when I see carbs covered in silver spray paint it makes my beard stand on end. At the very least you'd want to put a good quality kit in it (such as the one with the redesigned inlet needle/seat assembly from Daytona Parts Company). Careful when buying a kit; it seems there is an error in the cataloguing system used by many vendors and ordering a kit for one of these '62-'63 carbs gets you the kit for the '64-up carb. That won't work; the accelerator pump and main well gasket assembly are totally different and there are some other incompatibilities.
Carburetor operation and repair manuals and links to training movies and carb repair/modification threads are posted
here for free download.