Car won't stay running



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2008
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Took the Duster out for the final time of the season and out of no where it dies. It would start back up but, won't stay running unless I feather the gas. The fuel pressure is good so I wouldn't think the filters or fuel pump are bad. The carb was rebuilt a little over a year ago and has performed perfect. A buddy suggested the needle valve may have dirt in it.:banghead: The carb is Holley 750 DP. Havn't messed with Holleys a lot so I'm not real sure what I'm doin. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.
What's between the pressure gauge and the carb?

Have you checked float level?

Probably something in one of idle circuits. Try unscrewing both of the idle screws, spray carb cleaner in there with a snorkle tube
Nothing between the gauge and the carb. I am gonna take the carb off and either clean it or take ir to the guy who rebuilt it. Was rebuilt Dec, '11.
It very well could be a carb issue. I'm curious if this happened when the car was at full operating temperature? It's always possible that the ignition system is acting up. My first thought was, if the engine was hot, the coil may be getting weak. What type, and how old is the coil? Could also be a ignition box issue? I'm no expert on them, just thought i'd bring it into the conversation.
Fire it up...look down the carb...and see if gas is dripping into the carb from the boosters....a needle and seat could have some crap stuck in it...and flooding out the engine....
I would say you have a piece of dirt in the needle seat.
Is it running rich? Most holleys will run really rich with float /seat issues.
How old is the gas tank? Maybe time for replacement / cleaning.
Car was cold when it started acting up. Tanks is original. Fuel isn't old. I guess I should start with filters. Can't believe they would be bad if fuel pressure is good.
Coil is old. It is a Accel super coil.