Carter bbd



Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2021
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The carter bbd that came on most 318 cars. Anyone know how tall they are ? Is there a 2bbl carb that will bolt into same spot that is lower profile ? We having hood issues on a friends car.
Does it matter ? It's nothing stock . Carter 2bbl bbd carbs and copies have same bolt pattern and all looked the same build to me . But I can't find actual measurements of them . Wondering if any other carb is lower profile and shared same bolt pattern . Holleys 2bbl is much bigger
These seem to be on all 318s . Wondering if there is a carb that shares same bolt pattern bud lower profile . If not that's fine .



Not looking to these measurement. Looking for how tall they are . And to know if any other carb with same pattern is any shorter
Does it matter ?
In the time you took to ask does it matter you could have answered the question.

So no, I guess it does not matter,

FYI 60s Autolite (Ford) 2bbls are pretty short but bolt pattern is very different, but I guess that doesn't matter either!
In the time you took to ask does it matter you could have answered the question.

So no, I guess it does not matter,

FYI 60s Autolite (Ford) 2bbls are pretty short but bolt pattern is very different, but I guess that doesn't matter either!
Sure doesn't . I ask simple questions friends and get so many questions back that have nothing to do with my question . Is there ant carb that shares same bolt pattern as carter bbd but shorter. It doesn't matter what motor I'm putting it on or what car . I need that bolt pattern and lower profile . If answer is no which it often is just say no . Or don't answer . Have this problem with people asking tons of questions back which have nothing to do what I'm asking or find people giving me reasons why I shouldn't do or should do this or that . Why do I throw this motor out and put in a big block and all that. Yes I know ford pattern for their single barrels and 2bbls are very different .
Sometimes people ask questions to understand the question and the reason behind the question. Many times people ask questions with only one perspective, and many times there are many out of the box solutions.

Seems simple enough to you because you know all the details, to us your asking a question that might be solved with a particular air cleaner rather than a shorter carb.

I'm done.

Try to be a bit less flippent in the future. We are all just trying to help.
Ask of anyone has a carter ball & ball . I'll get 15 reply's of why do you want that , that's a junk , wht don't you put a 4bbl or 2bbls intake on it , why don't you go efi , why don't you pull that motor and put hemi in it , or I have a Holley 1920 that will work and so on endlessly . This is just one example . All these reply's and convos and talking at me none of which answers the initial question . The question was do anyone have a carter ball & ball single barrel carb I can buy. That's it. Same goes for many of questions I have like what was the measurement of certain bolt patterns and how tall a carb is , if a anyone selling A body a833 over drive unit and get 20 messages that they have a regular 4 speed not over drive and oh yeah it's for a b body . Like again not what I asked . If I asked for a 1975 904 I'd get reply's on why I Should r use 904s and or I have one from 1965 . Just stuff that is not what asked . Y'all drive me nuts
People want to talk to talk or talk to show how much they know. But most people don't answer the question. I've gone back and re read my questions and they're all pretty simple to understand . I'll ask hey what was first year of a dart and I get reply's like "I don't know but they made them until 1976 at least because I had one" useless
What is the intake manifold?

The 1970 single plane intake manifolds sit pretty low, that may help.

Here is a picture of a dual plane intake below for you to compare to.

They are 5" tall.

The '69 318 2 bbl on the left is 1/8" shorter.


Maybe the height of your big air filter is part of the problem?


rochester 2GC small bore same stud pattern but no idea how tall...
Stromberg WWS not WW is supposed to be same
no idea how tall

other options
2-4 BBl adapter plate
4 BBL to 2 X dcoe with 2x weber 45DCOE running say 40 mm venturies the number 5 aux venturis
aussies used them on small block v8 and went 24 hour enduro racing
Redline 12-3144 Twin DCOE Weber to 4 Barrel Holley Carburettor Adaptor | eBay
don't be tempted to compare CFM it doesn't work for weber carbs.

stacked adapters will probably be lower than carter BBD + 1.5 or 2 inch deep pie tin filter

nikki carb? 2 bbl from japan no idea on studs buit once your remove all all usual VW bug adapter (the only people who ever used them) might make for a decent 2bbl if you can find jets

36x36 weber DGAS DGES used on 3-3.5 litre ford v6s wrong stud pattern but may work out lower profile

if you go weber everything you learned about holleys is relevant but applied in a totally different way.

id be tempted to go 2bbl low profile throttle body with remote filter and drill the inlet manifold for injectors

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Also thanks any ways guys the. I don't want to change intakes or adapters add height not lower . 5" plus if Minus 1/8" perfect for whoever sent that
This is extra info that he wasn't asking for...

So you want to send him on another rant???

Just stick to the facts/question at hand.... :rolleyes:

The first part of your answer was enough... :poke:
I haven't even mentioned a air filter come on . I don't care about anything other that is there carb lower profile than a carter bbd That uses same bolt pattern. It's that simple . It's seems that amazer is no. And second pRt of answer is someone said that all carter bbd are roughly 5" tall.
They are 5" tall.

The '69 318 2 bbl on the left is 1/8" shorter.

View attachment 1716033065

Maybe the height of your big air filter is part of the problem?

View attachment 1716033066

View attachment 1716033067
They are 5" tall.

The '69 318 2 bbl on the left is 1/8" shorter.

View attachment 1716033065

Maybe the height of your big air filter is part of the problem?

View attachment 1716033066

View attachment 1716033067
5" tall to top of carb itself or 5" to top of the air filter stud ? I really can't tell and not single graphic showing dimensions on these things
5" to the top of the tabs where the wire clips for the air cleaner bolt clips into.

Just like in this picture.
