centerforce clutch



Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, Mi
Anyone ever have a problem with Centerforce Dual Friction pressure plates losing a couple of ball bearing? I was all ready to take the car out to the local car show a couple of weeks back when I discovered a new sound when pushing in the clutch pedal. Sounded like a rattle when the clutch pedal was almost completely depressed. Well I decided to skip the car show and get ready to do some wrenchin. I pulled the tranny out and then the bell housing and then the clutch. Now first off let me say that the car has been driven about 8 or 10 times on short trips to get things dialed in and up to this point I had no clutch issues at all. Everything was smooth. I did the clutch install myself as part of the 2 year resto and engine install. I've done my share of engine and clutch work over the years so I feel pretty competent at installing a clutch. i used a pilot tool just like I always do and did the star pattern bolt tightening sequence and everything went in slick. I have just over 80 miles on the car and when I pulled the clutch out, 2 ball bearings fell out on the garage floor from the pressure plate. Needless to say, I was a little p#@$ed off! So I called Centerforce and asked about my loose bearings:) They told me that they have heard of it before but very seldom. It's caused mainly by improper installation. I explained the details to them and let them know that I installed the clutch correctly. If I hadn't first off I would of had a near impossible time getting the pilot tool out and and no way would I have been able to get the trans in. Besides this car had been driven a number of times withnoproblem. Well they wouldn't commit to replacing it until they looked it over. I mentioned that it was way passed the 90 day warranty period because of the 2 years it took to do the car. Still waiting on a final answer from them.

Guys, any feedback is welcome! Thanks,

I had a problem with my Centerforce Dual Friction pressure plate too, years ago. I had one in a 70 Mustang that would run in the 10's and one day I cranked into it real good and collapsed the pressure plate. I had bought it from Summit and called them up. They said they hadn't ever gotten any feedback about a Centerforce Dual Friction pressure plate doing that. Like you, it had been in the car a while and it wasn't the installation. I got another set and didn't have that happen again. My only call was to Summit, maybe I should of researched it further.