converting foot pump to electric windshield washer



Registered User #1824
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Rockville Va.
ok so what do you need to do to convert a windsheild washer that is a foot pump model to an electric model?
Gonna need a washer bottle with a pump in it. The wiper switch will need to be changed since you push it to get the pump to work. The knob will have to be changed also. Lot of work and scrounging for very little gain. sure you want to do all of that, not to mention the expense?
well at this point i am just looking at what is involved. i guess it is not so much as to what i gain kinda thing as to just having something i am more used to. if i do it, it will be one of those things that i will do as i get to it . i have acess to a few of the parts now so it is not out of the question. i was just wondering what all i needed to do it.