Correct wheel options for 69 Barracuda?



Jun 2, 2014
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As an introduction for this site, I'm looking some info about the wheel/hubcap options for 1969 Plymouth Barracuda HT with 318. I've see so many combinations that especially the hubcaps are a mystery. The car came to me with early 70's original rallye wheels which look quite nice but since I'm having the car MOT'd as a historical car in my country the wheels have to be correct for the model year. I'd assume there is no chance anyone could have ordered the 69 car with 70 wheel options if the car was purchased very late that year?? :smile: Happens sometimes... The seller was more than sure that the wheels are correct for the car but that does not really count if there is nothing in written about the issue...

I've searched a set of 69 14'' steel wheels that I will be prepping for the swap. Based on the option sheets I've seen, the wheels should be painted with the car color, meaning that no black steels correct? I've not seen info about the correct hubcap choices so far. Any chance to use dog dish or something else in similar diameter size? The larger ones don't really turn me on...

Thanks for any info regarding the issue.
Here's the standard 69 Plymouth dog dish cap

Thanks for the fast response. The standard option looks most appealing to my eye. Since they seem to be availlable with Plymouth Division text and without, which is the more accurate version? BTW, if anyone has a set of appropriate hub caps on their selve, I'm interested!
BTW. the last option shown on the right is the notorious Kelsey-Hayes "recall" wheel. Don't worry yourself about finding any of those.

Also BTW, there is a nice set of the "deep dish" wheel covers in the for sale ads right now.