CRAZY is obama the antichrist MUST READ

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I'm a pretty big deal
Mar 26, 2008
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Laquey missouri
MAY WE ALL PRAY FOR WISDOM AND DISCERNMENT AND PRAY FOR EACH OTHER AS WE MAKE THIS DECISION OF A LIFETIME! OUR LIVES, CHILDREN ANDGRANDCHILDREN'S LIVES WILL BE CHANGED FOREVER BECAUSE OF OUR CHOICE THISELECTION. MAY GOD BE WITH US ALL!Keep your eyes on the skies, Jesus is coming soon!!!God help us if this man is elected!! But it is all statedin the Bible and it will happen sooner or later. This is from Darlene Millican, wife of the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church here in Sun City .I have felt for sometime now that Obama is theone person that 'Frightens Me'. I believe the Bible has warned us that 'A man will come from the East that will be charismatic in nature and have proposed solutions for all our problems and his rhetoric will attract many supporters!' When will our pathetic Nation quit turning their back on God and understand that this man is 'A Muslim'....First, Last and always....and we are AT WAR with the Muslim Nation, whether our bleeding-heart, secular, Liberal friends believe it or not. This man fits every description from the Bible of the 'Anti-Christ'! I'm just glad to know that there are others that are frightened by this man!
Sorry if this offend's anyone it was in my email from this chruch girl I myself am Athiest but it was interesting.

I put it in the non technical forum where it doesnt have to do with cars I'm ATHIEST (Don't believe in God). Crazy huh
That almost makes me hope for another war, lets get all the jihadist fanatics and all the bible thumping lunatics to go at it and kill each other. Go have your holy war and bring about "the end times". Mankind would be vastly better off and our average IQ would have to at least double.
I thought Bush was the "Anti-Christ" and He,He,He, Drives a Camero AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
I'd have to disagree with the assertion of "being at war with the Muslim Nation". The problem demographic is the Muslim extremists. As I see it, any religious faction that goes to a fanatical level invites conflict.

It's still an interesting read, but many "prophecies" are self-fulfilling by their very nature.

For the record: I'm between religions. At the core, most of the mainstream belief systems appear as different ways of saying the same thing. Then there's this:

Just my $0.02
the person who wrote this garbage is part of the problem. i don't believe in fear mongering. total load of ****. what idiots.
theres nothing wrong with being athiest, i am, im not scared to admit it. Different people have different beliefs. it doesnt make me a bad person

same here, raised christian, baptized, confirmed as christian, but I choose to be athiest, many people think athiests are "bad people" and "have no moral values" but hey... whens the last time you've seen an athiest kill themselves and many others in the name of thier non existant god? as for me, i'm going to go on a sinning rampage now... haha just kidding.
Hey guys... remember? Mopars? A-Bodies? CAR TALK!?!?!!?!

Next thing you know we'll be discussing our favorite flavors of ice cream, condoms, and breath mint....and other all important non-automotive topics.
Flavored condoms ? Wait a minute ....... we're not off topic here - the very first post is a quote from a whack job and we're just keepin' the momentum going. WWJD (what would Jesus drive) ? Duh, '68 Hemi Dart, no brainer. In fact I saw him driving one once, in a dream, he ran over Obama who was driving a Prius while chewing on a flavored condom.
Doesn't matter what Obama represents so long as we have the great state of Florida to keep him out of office. :sign5:
I believe the Bible is the truth.

Now wether or not Obama is that person, I guess it's too early to tell.

Do I believe that person is coming?.....Oh yeah.

Do I hope Obama is a great uniter?...yes, I hope he, if elected, turns out to be a great guy, but I personally think his voting record compared to what he says in public is pretty scary, and quite frankly, I don't agree with alot of his positions which leads me to believe he is pretty scary.

Too many prophesies have been fulfilled, and alot of them are aligning themselves with predictions from the Bible as we speak.

The Bible does say these things, and it also talks of a one world government, and currency, the mark of the beast, without it, you will not be permitted to make transactions.

Look for these things to happen.
It may be a good time to start believing when the government insists on putting a computer chip or something like that on your forehead or right hand.

My thoughts would be right hand, seems more fashionable.

Strange thing why non believers see believers as nut cases and wacko's is because they, non believers, simply don't understand the Bible.

When you have a good understanding of the Bible, you recognize things that others may not in day to day life.

You see small miracles all the time that others may not recognize.

But as a Christian, I think guys like Pat Robertson are freaking nut cases.

I guess, as a Christian, I could be in the same category as a black man that thinks Jesse Jackson is a race bating bigot and a liar that is only out for his personal fame by exploiting and embarrasing those who are the same color as the rest of his followers.

Christianity is not a flock or a big lump of people.
Christianity is a personal, one on one, raw, in your face, relationship with God.

If you seek him out on a daily basis, just a little bit every day, or when you think about it, he will reveal himself more and more, and you will be blown away by the things he reveals to you.

Then you will wonder, why did I have my head up my rear for so long?

Take it fromk me guys.
I was the worst of the worst, non believers, atheist, skeptic, what have you, but I was introduced to the only thing that would get the needle out of my arm, the beer out of my gut, and the filth out of my mind.

It was a book called "When skeptics ask." which led me to the Bible, to church, and to a beautiful girl that led me to God, and he has showed me that living my life for others with a servant heart has been just part of the blessed life He has in store for us all.

Just remember Him as He remembered you.

Fair enough?

The Bible says "What was right will be wrong, what was wrong will be right."

Look at todays world with the morals and values compared to those just fifty short years ago.

I don't go to church because I think I'm better than anyone else, I go because I need my pastor to look me in the eye and give me that kick in the pants for all the stupid things I did all week long as every sinner does, then I get all red in the face and ask myself "How did he knew I did that?", he was looking right at me."

Oh, it's a crappy feeling, but I need it every now and then.
I am supporting Ron Paul. I am not going to preach because I believe you are all entitled to your preference.

Obama is full of great speeches with commanding tone, but its all empty promises...:read2:
Antichrist or not - I don't like the guy. His little actions are giving him away as anti-American. (Not wearing the US flag lapel pin, not putting his hand over his heart during the Anthem when EVERYONE else is, his wifes now-famous pride comment) and there is no way you can convince me he didn't know what his pastor was thinking.

I really, REALLY hate to say it, but I'd take Hillary over Obama any day.......

Ron Paul rocks :wav:

Too bad he doesn't have a chance......
Not here to put anyone down or even get in the back and forth battle, but as a fellow mopar brother. The only way to heaven is believing in Jesus and asking him in your heart. As for type of person anyone is, its not my place to judge but to inform of the great things god does and not believing does not make you a bad person! Just like Chrysler Corp built a Challenger that will return, so will Jesus! History does repeat itself. I dont believe in forcing views but informing for you make your own mind. We probably wont all agree in Religous or polital views, but I bet we can all agree soon the drag strips will be full of history reoeating itself, Mustangs, Camaros, and Challengers, Oh My!! That will be great to see since I missed the 1st showdown. I born in 72 but my ride home was a 70 Superbee 4 spd. Thanks and good luck guys! Jay
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