Cuda on the bay misrepresented



Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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Well, I'm not a Barracuda expert but the guy doesn't know squat about vin decoding. Also I have never heard of a 275 horse 273 except in a 66 D Dart. Correct me if I'm wrong. I could only find the Formula S designation on the broadcast sheet charts and not in the vin. Also aren't those AMC style Magnum 500's
on the front? I didn't think they were made for small bolt pattern. toolman
Bottom. That's wierd. toolman
Try 290672469 in the e-bay search box, and be prepaired for a laugh. mike
I just noticed this car on eBay and I was going to make a post on it. This car was advertised on craigslist last week, I saw the car and drove it last Friday. The seller is not the owner, the owner is some sort of serious legal trouble and may even be in jail so he needs the cash. I think the actual owner is a relative of the seller. The seller knows very little about the car.
I did inform the seller it was NOT a Formula S and that it should have a tach among other things. There was no fender tag either.

But there was a lot of work done to this car, for under $4000 I can't say its a bad deal (bidding over $4500 now). The car was really solid and has a lot of good stuff on it like disc brakes, it drove straight and rode nice. The paint job looks good in the eBay listing but in person it looks like their was very littel prep work done before paint was put on it, like the description says its a 5 out of 10 - about a "25 footer"... and I saw it in the rain! The interior was ok, you could tell most was repainted with a spraybomb, the dash pad should be replaced and it had '65 seats in it. The hood needs the safety latch and the front window doesn't have the piece that fits into the rubber gasket (I just can't remember what it's called right now). It could use at the least some tuning, it's over carbureted and over cammed too. The engine sounds really serious, runs hard over about 2000 RPM but doesn't idle very good and it has a high stall convertor. The shifter will not go into Park either.

I was tempted to get it but I wasn't sure how much it would take to sort out all of the issues to make it a dependable daily driver.
The only things he is correct about on the 66 vin. are the 5th digit D did denote the engine size & the last 6 digits are sequential production numbers. The D was on both 2 & 4 barrel cars. If it is a true 66 formula s the fender tag would have a 32 under the AB for the 4 barrel engine & a 7 under F for formula s. The 65 fender tag would have a 31 under AB for the 4 barrel engine & a 2 under C for formula s. Shame he seems to be Bull S*%#ing. Decent looking car except for mismatched wheels.

I copied and pasted.

So it is a clone that is trying to passed as a real formula s. I didn't see the rpm gauge either. sad.
Yes slotcar I noticed the wrong year seats and rear side panels also. That piece is called a lockstrip I just bought new ones for my 66. Thanks for the info as you have seen it in person.
Mullinax, I can't get the number to work either. Sorry. It sounds like the story is unfolding. Make sure there's a title b/4 buying. toolman
Mullinax, I can't get the number to work either. Sorry. It sounds like the story is unfolding. Make sure there's a title b/4 buying. toolman

Item number: 110290672469

Thanks caveman, I didn't have all the numbers and like a dummy I didn't look at the e-bay page just at the mumbers in the link. toolmanmike
The pic in Cavemans post reminded me of the front bumper, you can barely see it in the picture but right in the center on the top the chrome has peeled off and its been painted with "chrome" paint.

I don't think this is a bad car at all, I would have liked to bought it for myself, someone has put a lot of good components on this car and spent some time getting it to this condition - it's just not a Formula S.

Sounds like he really believes its a formula s.
Can someone send a link to this thread to the people bidding on it?

Nope; the peoples Ebay names are protected/changed,
so other people can Not contact them.

Bidder Bid Amount Bid Time

s***a( 0 ) US $5,600.00 Sep-19-08 13:25:07 PDT

h***a( 87) US $5,500.00 Sep-19-08 04:40:59 PDT

s***a( 0 ) US $5,500.00 Sep-19-08 13:24:31 PDT

s***a( 0 ) US $5,000.00 Sep-18-08 17:39:36 PDT

h***a( 87) US $5,000.00 Sep-19-08 04:40:48 PDT
With the price its going up to I feel for the poor guy that wins it. After he researches the Formula S and finds its a clone and worst yet less than 1/2 cloned he will see he could have bought two 273 cars for that price. Too bad someone from here couldnt win the bid then not complete the purchase because of it being misrepresented. Just a thought.