cuda rear wheel opening



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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hope someone can provide some insight into putting a full radius wheel arch on a 64 cuda. i want to duplicate the wheel openings on the original 65 hurst hemi under glass (not the 66 everone knows). they basically mimic the front wheel opening. i have seen several cars like this on the internet to include one for sale on ebay last year. i dont really want to cut them like the 68 hemi dart, i want the flare at the top of the opening. i see bronxmopars1 has it on his 66 valiant but havent been able to reach him. i was thinking of grafting front fender openings on but not sure they will cover the rear opening. I know wagon qrtrs are imposible to find. i have considered dozens of possible donners to include early mustangs and volvo 240s! any help would be great.
i was thinking of grafting front fender openings on but not sure they will cover the rear opening.

That would work, I think that is what they did on the 65 Hemi Under Glass. You may be able to switch sides so the body line lines up.
The nicest one I've seen on a 64-66 Cuda is on Mike Ritz's 66 Barracuda

Not to hijack the thread, but I met MIke in Columbus 3 or 4 years ago.
He was taking pictures of MY car. He actually had my son take a picture of me and him sstanding next to it....... I was dumbfounded and forgot to have my son do the same with my camera.....
He came all the way to Columbus for the Mopar Nats Barracuda Tribute and brought his car and all they gave him was free admission for him and the car........
It sucks being famous.