Cure For Travelers Diarrhea



Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Canada
You know how it is while on vacation in a strange land when you get the dredded stomach "percolation" while on the beach or shopping for trinkets at the market in Acapulco. Never again fear those outings and having to worry about where the closest bathroom is. Now avaiable is the executive port-a-pottie. Yes my friends for three easy payments of $39.95 you to can now walk the streets in total confidence. This travellers model comes complete with extra compartments to carry a few pairs of extra shorts since accidents can still happen! :butthead:

Porta Pottie.jpg
You know how it is while on vacation in a strange land when you get the dredded stomach "percolation" while on the beach or shopping for trinkets at the market in Acapulco. Never again fear those outings and having to worry about where the closest bathroom is. Now avaiable is the executive port-a-pottie. Yes my friends for three easy payments of $39.95 you to can now walk the streets in total confidence. This travellers model comes complete with extra compartments to carry a few pairs of extra shorts since accidents can still happen! :butthead:

Need to get that for the truck!

Hell with that truck condominium on your tractor, you must already have a full three piece en-suite toilet in that shaggin' wagon!!!
