


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Visited one of Ernies sewing friends yesterday. Spent some time helping her husband cleaning some firearms...he has owned this thing since 1961 or so....he was unsure of what year it is.....

Was told it hasn't ran in a while....
If I'm not mistaken cushman made the little 6 wheeled buggies as well ?
I like odd old stuff like that !
If I'm not mistaken cushman made the little 6 wheeled buggies as well ?
I like odd old stuff like that !
From a bit of reading....Cushman has built all sorts of odd stuff. The USPS, at least the facility I was at in Phoenix....had several of 3 wheeled rigs they built. Least I think they were Cushmans. They were electric. Mechanics used them.
Hey, I seen one of them on pawnstars once...they are wOrth $45000...Rick said so
Not original engine. Has a Briggs. It's a early Eagle 1950 ish.
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my dad bought me one like that in the early 60's. somebody had rigged up an old indian motor cycle engine on it. thank god the coil was bad and could'nt find another one, or i probably would have killed my fool self. lol. he put an old briggs on it, and i rode that thing for years. mine had a high and low gear shift lever on the left side of the gas tank.
Here's a sweet little rig a guy 30 minutes from here built using a cushman truckster




Here's a pic of my Cushman. It's a 1961 Vespa VBB that was sold to Cushman and rebadged as a 1962 Cushman scooter. It's a one year only deal and happens to be the same age as me. We're both kind of unique!

What did this thing come with motor wise?
Cushman built their own engines and like Bob stated, 5 and 8 horse. They also used a OMC engine in some of the newer Eagles.
Thanks but it's an older 80's home restoration that I use to putt around town. Scrapes and scratches here and there, kinda like me. Here's a couple more.

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Scrapes and scratches...a sign of use...nothing wrong with that.
When I was younger I wouldn't give this type of thing a second look. But as I have gotten older that has changed. Every now and then I find myself thinking about looking for a Honda Dream. Growing up one of the Fox brothers had one. That was the first motorcycle I ever rode...I must have been 11 or so...

Thanks for the pictures
Cool. We got a local guy here in Abilene that restores these. His name is Willie Tate. Theres a whole bunch of local shriners here that have them. His big claim to fame is putting souped up briggs vanguard OHV V twins in them. Rumor has it he dusted a harley 1200 sportster in a stoplight drag race with his vanguard V twin cushman lol.

All i know is that i would love to find one just like the one in the first pix.
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My father in law knew just about everything there was to know about most any Cushman.
He worked on them until he was forced to retire.
The oddball stuff he had was unreal. When he passed, my brother in laws thru most of it out, sold what they could and scrapped the rest. Never said a word to the wife. There was at least 6 golf carts that Dick had repaired and said he would sell one day, but never did. Another dozen or so carts that he used as parts, plus a bunch of other buggy's and scooters. He said most came out of factory's and large institutions (prisons and mental hospitals when they existed).