Damper -77 440 cast crank.



Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
A friend of mine is looking for a stock damper for a -77 440 with cast crank.
Anyone of you guys who has a good used or new damper for sale or can give a lead for where to find one?
He gave 440source a call but they couldn’t help him. He also made a phonecall to Damper Dudes without succes.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks Swedefish
I've probably got a couple. I'll check tomorrow and PM you.
I forgot to look... Sorry - leaving a note for myself for tomorrow. I know I have one - not sure if I have two...lol.
If that doesn’t work out, I have one you can have for the price of shipping. Came off of my 440 dated 12-03-76. I have no use for it as I now have a forged crank from a 71 and an ati balancer.
Sorry Swede - I had a 2nd cast balancer but it's a 400 one. Maybe grab Ronzoni's...