Dart made roadtrip today!


74 DART'

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas, GA
Was proud of the ole dart today. Had to drive it from Dallas Ga to Tucker Ga today for job interview/ pick up drug test packet. Sounds like no big deal but i was on the interstate which i usually dont take, and its been raining like crazy. Was a little worried about it in rush hour morning traffic but the old slant didnt miss a beat. I know this is no big deal for alot of you guys but it felt pretty cool being the only old car on the interstate, car is ugly but always gets lotsa looks. Just wanted to let someone know cant talk to my wife about it she just thinks im and idiot! Probably right!!!
It's always good to get out and drive them. No real reason to own a car if your not going to use it. Good to here she did so well for you.