Dart wont start.



Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2023
Reaction score
Saint Louis Missouri
I have a 1973 Dodge Dart Sport, slant 6, that I brought back from Arizona last year. Original AZ car form original owner. It had been running good but today wouldn't start. Just turns over. Tried some starting fluid but no luck. I was wondering about the resister everyone talks about. I think it's on the drivers side of the firewall. Does anyone know what the resistance should be. There are a few cracks in the case and was wondering if that's the issue. Any help is appreciated.
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Thank you very much!
Keep in mind up front, that there are separate start & run power feeds to the ballast/coil & ign., so be sure to check all connections. I've seen poor connections at the ign. sw. connector under the steering column a number of times etc. Get ALL the diagrams & diag. info You can find, & You should be good, peace!