"Tested." What does that mean? How did you test it?
There are many pitfalls in these, includiing (generally) bad connections throughout the harness connectors, and especially at the cluster harness connector, the pins break and become loose at the PC board
The spring contacts for the IVR sometimes don't make contact with the PC board--you have to solder jumpers across
The cluster MUST be grounded. Add a pigtail to a ground point on the cluster, and bolt to the column support
Original IVR units operate like a flasher....on and off...so if you check it with a VOLT meter when the key is in "run" yes, it will "jump" up and down in voltage.
Jack up the car level. Pull the sender wire off the sender. Set the meter for "low" ohms (resistance)
"Stab" one meter probe hard into the sender mount, and the other on the sender wire connection. What is the reading? How much fuel in the tank? What does the fuel gauge read?
Take a clip lead and connect to the sender wire, and ground the sender wire. Turn on the key to "run." Fuel gauge should head right up to full. Don't leave the key on.