Which fuse is blowing the tail fuse or the instrument fuse?
Start disconnecting stuff in that circuit
Check that you have the proper bulbs
This is a bit of a "trick" circuit and is the ONLY circuit in these cars set up this way
The headlight switch RECEIVES power from TWO sources
1.....headlights ONLY, not our concern
2....The tail / park fuse supplies power for tail and park lights (and cigarette lighter) AND THIS SAME POWER
3....feeds the dash lamp dimmer control. Power comes OUT of the dash dimmer, goes TO the fuse panel and INTO the instrument fuse, usually the smallest fuse on one end of the panel
(Check that this fuse is proper rating, consult your service manual, and that the fuse clips are tight)
The OUTPUT of this inst. fuse then goes out to all dash dimmer controlled lamps on ORANGE wires
This includes any "dash" lamps, in the cluster, radio, heater / AC bezel, I think? the ash tray, the gear selector if it's auto, and factory tach or vacuum gauge on the console.
Has anything been added, IE aftermarket tach, stereo? I would start with those.