


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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I went to Daytona and thought everyone might like to see some pics.I took a track tour and it was great.


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We go every year,my brothers brother and sister in -law own a rental home in Reunion and we get to stay there for maids fee,about 150.00 a week.We cant pass that up,even tho its a long drive to the track and back.
Thank you for sharing these nize shots Tiltsix :blob:
MeMikeJr. said someone pm'ed him and said they was at the track and did not get there picks in, That must have been you \\:D/
Yes that was me I forgot all about it,Got wrapped up in the vacation mode(beer beaches babes fast cars) haha It was a very good time weather was beautiful.
Yes that was me I forgot all about it,Got wrapped up in the vacation mode(beer beaches babes fast cars) haha It was a very good time weather was beautiful.
I bet it was \\:D/
Nothing like Babes Beer and :sunny: along with fast cars to make a great day