Dead Fish


64 SRT8 Dart

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
Colorado Springs,Colorado
So, my wife and I went to Walmart this afternoon to get some dog food and when we went to the pet section I noticed the Beta Fish in the little plastic bowls with the lids on.
I walked over to em to check the little guys out and to my frickin surprise.....almost all of em were dead!!! I mean, they just didn't die today, it looked like they'd been dead for weeks!
There was algae or mold or something growing on them and even the water in some of them were yellow, like almost nearly taken from a frickin toilet bowl!!
I wonder if anyone has even checked on them or let alone fed them for weeks.
ALL of them were dead (a couple dozen) on the middle shelf and only a handfull were alive (out of a couple dozen) on the top shelf!!

I didn't go to managment, but just bit my lip on the way out. I'm thinking of going back and letting them have a peace of my mind.
I mean, I know they're "just" fish, but come on, if you're gonna put em in a bowl they're whole life....please take care of em.
Where in the heck is the department manager??
Geez. I guess rant over.


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You should email those pics to PETA......and get the sh** storm started! That IS B.S! Not that I'm any big fan of PETA (they screamed bloody murder when Obama swatted a fly....LOL) but if these Walmart bozos can't even take care of the pets they're selling, they sure as hell shouldn't be allowed to carry them.

That's the problem with big chain stores. Nobody really cares.....well, rarely.
You should email those pics to PETA......and get the sh** storm started! That IS B.S! Not that I'm any big fan of PETA (they screamed bloody murder when Obama swatted a fly....LOL) but if these Walmart bozos can't even take care of the pets they're selling, they sure as hell shouldn't be allowed to carry them.

That's the problem with big chain stores. Nobody really cares.....well, rarely.

I know right! My wife just got up from a nap and I just told her I should email these pics to the local news station.
How bout both :protest: :glasses7:
Betas breathe by coming to the surface and gulping air. If those lids have been on for any amount of time, they may have used up their air supply.

We have one dead on the bottom of the bowl right now that my daughter brought home from the fair three years ago!
thats upsetting and sad .....thats why i dont buy those anymore bcoz i cant take it when they die.

i moped for a month when my grey cat died.

now i just have one cat and i hope everyday that he lives a long time.

i would definately contact some organization that can do something about that ....wal-mart can afford another employee to take care of it. they are just being cheapo and not hiring enough help....someone should have noticed that and got it handled one way or another.
Wal-Mart shouldn't be selling living things. When they sometimes sell cacti and succulents, those usually look in really bad shape too, and those don't even usually require much attention.

Yeah, it's "just fish", but I would call everyone that others above listed and get that taken care of. I'd call Wal-Mart corporate too. If for NO other reason, just because kids probably go to look at those, and that wouldn't be a happy experience for them.
That is sad to say the least..:sad5: If my granddaughter seen this and I had to explain it to here I would do something for sure...
I thought you were gonna say your cuda wouldn't start :dontknow:

Thats what I was thinking.

With what piddly amt of $$ Walfart pays, its rare if they get an employee that cares. I would go back, and get more pics so that it shows/proves they're from Walmart and post them up.

Everything has an intrinsic value and doesnt deserve to die like that, make the pricks pay!
Thats what I was thinking.

With what piddly amt of $$ Walfart pays, its rare if they get an employee that cares. I would go back, and get more pics so that it shows/proves they're from Walmart and post them up.

Everything has an intrinsic value and doesnt deserve to die like that, make the pricks pay!
this is true I worked for them along time ago ...... Thay didnt pay me enough to care what happend to that place . the one i worked at didnt have any fish tho . :sad5:
Well just got back from Walmart a little bit ago and either the dept mngr did his/her job or they had a rash of complaints because all the dead ones were removed.

I was prepared for more pics and video. I think everytime I go up there now I'll be keepin an eye out.