2 different brands of "Chrysler Blue" 1970-1974 are not a good match for the factory original engine color in my 1973 318 Dart. They both have more green than what is on the engine. Has anyone else noticed this? The last I used is a spray can of OER brand engine paint Chrysler Blue # K89166. What does Chrysler turquoise 1960-1969 look like? Does some one out there have a can of OER # K89162 turquoise that they can send me a sample sprayed on something?
I am just painting a newly rebuilt water pump. If "Chrysler Blue" is the best match out there then I will just use it and live with the slight mismatch.
I am just painting a newly rebuilt water pump. If "Chrysler Blue" is the best match out there then I will just use it and live with the slight mismatch.