Does this look okay? want to do a 360 mag swap



Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
San Diego
So the ecology in my area is having a 50% off sale, i would like to go and pull a 360 mag engine thats complete and decent so i can rebuild it.

I found a couple, with 1 being the most complete. Its out of a 95 durango, I pulled the valve cover off and i didn't see any sludge but it does look like orangish staining on the rockers, dont know what that could be from plus i plan on swapping these out for the EQ heads.

When I drained the oil, there was no big metal shavings. if i angled the pan i poured the oil into with the right amount of sun light i can see little tiny sparkles. not 100% sure if that is metal shavings, or if a little amount of shine is normal. I havent taken the oil pan off the engine yet but i plan on doing it tomorrow to look for legitimate metal shavings.

Like i said im gonna rebuild it, but i wanna start with something decent enough.


  • head360mag.jpg
    36.8 KB · Views: 358
The orange staining is fairly normal, and when I go after my motor I'm taking a battery, HEI parts, compression tester, a squirt can of fuel, and a squirt can of oil.
Can't that type of discoloration be caused by overheating???

Can't that type of discoloration be caused by overheating???


It could but time and sitting looks just like that with a difference.
See the tops of the rocker edges, how they are blacker looking where one might think it could be caused by overheating?
If it was heat that caused the discoloration everything below that should be black also, not just the tops of parts.

I'm not saying it doesn't have a cracked head or some other problem that caused overheating, just that I wouldn't be to concerned about the looks in that pic.
I would spin and test oil and compression though for sure before I decided.
Seeing the pistons would help a lot also, but sometimes ya just gotta make as informed a decision as possible under the current circumstances.
lol pulling the tranny pan is easier. if you find a pile of scrap metal in tranny pan your good to go on the motor. loosen two bolts on one side of tranny pan and remove all the rest. reach your hand in a see if you find chummies. Keeps you from dealing with tons of tranny fluid all over the place and gives you a idea if it had motor issues