dog puke



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
jacksonville fla
had to knock off work early cause one of my pups started getting sick at work so on the way home it continued anyone got a recipie for cleaning interior lol i would have stayed at work but i was victim of one of her upheavels yuck oh well 9 hours was enough tonight
That sucks.....sorry I don't have a cleaning recipe, but how is the pup?
shes ok she just gets really nervous sometimes i normally leave her home and take my other 2 with me to work but its supposed to freeze tonight and i work a 12 hour shift so i brought her with tonight. the prob was i am training a new guy and she dosent do well with strangers, she is 1 of my rescues that nobody else wanted and i have a soft spot for my pups thanks for asking. oh well its a 68 and im sure its been puked in before lol
NO ONE believes me but 10 years of experience and 2 crazy MIN PINS says hot water & OXY clean is the cleans it all....poo puke & pee if applied and vacuumed up or blotted up good and allowed to dry them vac again.... all gone!!! if it is really soaked in you may have to do it a couple of times but it works and they dont go back to that spot.....the oxy part really kills the stain AND the scent!!!
Use SpotShot, you can buy it at most grocery stores or lowes/homedepot. Its great!