Don't be "TOO" Careful or else ...



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
This speedo cable "repair" for a '65 Formula S has turned into another "two steps forward, one step back" screw-up.

I purchased online an inner speedo cable repair kit: extra long cable (cut to fit) with one end already squared and a square end to crimp on the opposite end after length determined and cut. And a little (almost worthless) thingy to help the crimping.

This was a one shot deal (these kits cannot be found in retail stores around here) so I was super, super, super careful regarding the measuring over and over again before the final cut. I was sure the replacement cable was going to be a perfect fit. I took the cable and cable end to my favorite fabricator (who has a solid vice) and together we attached the end. This was months ago.

Today, laid things out to attach the speedo gear on the transmission end. First "double-checked" the new cable for length. Now it appears to be a couple of inches too long! How could that be?

To make a long story short, we attached/crimped the cable end to the "remnant" piece of cable that I cut off in place of using the other piece which turns out to be the perfect length. Not only that, but the piece that we prepared with the crimped end is round on the opposite end (not the squared off end that needs to be inserted into to gear. Being so careful with the measuring and cutting had its downside when having then been careless about selecting between the two shorter cables made from the one long cable in the kit.

Now the question remains, can the crimped end piece be yanked off the wrong new cable portion and re-used on the correct cable? The photos should be explanatory if one is familiar with the older style speedo cables.

cable goof 1.JPG

cable goof 2.JPG

cable goof 3.JPG

cable goof 4.JPG

cable goof 5.JPG

cable goof 6.JPG
You cut the new cable to match your old one and crimp the new end on.
Universal cables are problematic. I know. Worked at a dealership where we made our own replacement cables just like the factory. The only ones doing this anymore are speedo/gauge shops. Hard for you I know, but if it comes to this a shop can build a quality cable if they have the length.
The local shop that used to do this said their special tool to square off the ends was "stolen" and that left me on my own to learn the hard way.
I forgot to mention I even put a piece of blue masking tape on the section of cable that was cut to the correct length. Even with that standard precaution, I STILL messed it up.
The cable in the 3rd phot doesn't look too healthy. It is kinked a inch or so behind the nut. That's all it takes to wad up a core.