Just remember that most converters actually stall less than what they are numbered.This depends on how much horse power you will be putting in front of it.
Example,, Low HP car lets say 200 rear wheel.A 3500 converter may be all in at 25/2700.
400 rear wheel HP closer to 31/3200. Most are advertised as what they will "Flash" to.
Meaning from idle (7/800 rpm) to a full throttle,the rpm's will jump to close to that 3500 mark.The more HP the harder and higher it will be to that number.
Example,, The first time racer has a basicly stock car but wants to buy a converter for a better starting line take off. He buys a 3000 rpm converter thinking that it will stall at that number but finds it's all in at 22/2300 ?? Meaning when he brake races it thats when it will want to move the car. So I guess what I am trying to say is if you want a converter to give you close to 3500 you may need to buy a 4000 stall.
I know ,, clear as a muddy river.. 1 more example, I have a low hp car,it has a 5000 stall converter.(Footbrake)I run it up to 34/3500 in the lites.Any more the car starts to push(the front tires start to slide thru the lites.(Trans brake time)Full throttle it flashes to about 45/4600. All cars are different,Power,Weight,Tires.etc so you have many variables to deal with. All this will have more meaning as you have more seat time at your track making passes.Fill free to make mistakes(I know I do) and ask what to do. The first dozen times I went to the track I would ask the people in the staging lanes "Hey I never did this before,,Got any sugestions ??" Most will be happy to help.
This is just a thought, I'm sure more will chime in with what works for them.Good luck and have fun!!