Dual Snorkel air cleaner help...



Superior Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Meridian, Idaho
Hey people. I have decided what I need to do to get a dual snorkel air cleaner set up for my old D100 with the 440 in it. I am going to custom make a dual snorkel air cleaner assembly. Here is why. First and formost the cost !!! but 2nd of all I am going to modify it. I dont want to buy a real dual snorkle for big bucks and hack it up. So I am going to take a regular air cleaner assembly and add the 2nd snorkle. Would any kind person that has a real dual snorkle air cleaner assembly be kind enough to let me know some dimensions on it ?
I would like to know what the outside diameter is.
I would like to know the distance in between the snorkles around the base of the filter housing itself.
These dimensions should get me going... appreciate it in adavance !!!

My dad did this for his '70 Newport convertible for the same reason as you. He took the original 2 barrel single snorkel and made a 4 barrel duel snorkel air cleaner. He cut the 2 barrel opening out and weld in a 4 barrel one. For the snorkel, believe it or not, was the same as a /6 air cleaner snorkel so he cut the snorkel out of that and welded it up to the air cleaner. He had another factory duel snorkel air cleaner that he borrowed to get the measurements from. It turned out great and you can't even tell the difference.


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I talked with my dad and he said he had so much time into it that its not even worth bothering to make one and he does body work for a living for 30 years.
Hey man...that is sweet. I am sure there is a lot of time into that, but he went a little farther then I am going to go. Very cool though !!
I am more or less just needing the width across on the lid so I can make sure to get the right size. I can just find centerline and get the measurment for the snorkel placement. I think I have one already. I am starting with a 4bbl one to begin with. I was pretty certain the slant six ones were the same length as long as you have the correct "style" of one. Which I do. So I think my buddy and I will give it a shot. Its the challenge of the thing now... ha ha

Scott, your timing is impeccable! I've got one here that's finished and ready to ship back to California so I'll get your measurements for you first before I get that bad boy out the door. :-D
Ok I went out and measured. From inside tip edge to inside tip edge is 20 inches exactly. If I can find my camera I'll get a picture from where I measured from if you don't understand.
Ok I went out and measured. From inside tip edge to inside tip edge is 20 inches exactly. If I can find my camera I'll get a picture from where I measured from if you don't understand.

Thanks dude.. you rock... think that will work !

Ok I went out and measured. From inside tip edge to inside tip edge is 20 inches exactly. If I can find my camera I'll get a picture from where I measured from if you don't understand.

Okay, it's time to toss my pink wrench into the pile here and make things interesting.

I measured the one here that my customer indicated is from a '69 Polara and it's only 17 1/2" across the center to the outside edge. No pics though ... Alan gets to see it first and then I can share it with the rest of the world. :-D
Okay, it's time to toss my pink wrench into the pile here and make things interesting.

I measured the one here that my customer indicated is from a '69 Polara and it's only 17 1/2" across the center to the outside edge. No pics though ... Alan gets to see it first and then I can share it with the rest of the world. :-D

Thats interesting :-k My dad had a factory piece that he got the measurements off of. He wanted it exact because of all the time that he was putting into it.
My '69 dual snorkel air cleaner is different from the '70s dual snorkels. It has tapered oval snorkels that end in rolled and flared lips.

The '70s style snorkels are rectangular and don't seem to be very tapered. They also may have trap doors.
My '69 dual snorkel air cleaner is different from the '70s dual snorkels. It has tapered oval snorkels that end in rolled and flared lips.

The '70s style snorkels are rectangular and don't seem to be very tapered. They also may have trap doors.

x2 on the one I sent out today. Here's one of his "before" pictures ... the "after's" will be on my website shortly after it's received by my customer.

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.................Not all 70 up had the rectangular snorkles...........73-4 up were oval................I have 1 400 4bbl and 1 440 4bbl both oval ............kim.........