Dumbest movie,you have ever seen.... (Facepalm stuff...).



Breaking street machines , since 1983.....:)
Legendary Member
May 21, 2011
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Arroyo grande ca
I went and saw "Solaris", with my girlfriend (B.T.W,Clooney sucked...), at the time. Gees us,the dumbest film ,I have ever seen. Share yours,if you dare.
This is a stupid movie..... [ame]http://youtu.be/KeF88bBrPHQ[/ame]

How the fvck do ya do a stoppie.....on dirt....on a street bike ???????
This movie must have been made for those that had never ever riden.
On purpose? The Room

On accident? Pacific Rim or Transformers 3. I can't decide which is more unwatchable. Plot holes vs. no plot at all.
lost in translation
or anything with Nicolas cage in it
The Wicker Man.
That was 2hrs of my life I want back! :banghead:
I think it had Nicolas Cage in it too.
I actually asked for a refund and I've never done that before at a movie theater. I was told no, and I embarrassed my wife. But that was just an absolute abortion of a movie.
Having raised five kids, the list is so long and my brain too fried to remember them all.

Borat (did I spell that right?)
Anything with a Baldwin in it.

And what was that dumbass movie with the killer being the dead guy in the middle of the cell block floor.
"The Resident," maybe not the dumb-est, but...since it had Hilary Swank I figured it would be good...NOT! Synopsis: Recent breakup moves ER Dr. to NYC, "unbelievably cheap" ($2800/mo!?) gorgeous apt has seemingly nice-guy building-owner who spies on her behind walls and poisons her red wine; she has her workplace lab test her blood and finds out; instead of notifying police she takes him on by herself till the predictable end. I've already forgotten how she killed him, it was that stupid....
The list, at my age, is far too long. But recently I saw two different (Australian?) "westerns" that defy description. At some point somebody was putting tomatoes over a dead guy's eyes.

ANY of the twenty seven or thirty seven or one hundred eighty seven "Fast and Furious" series. There should be a federal law against Vin Diesel ever acting in any public production.

I agree I don't like Nicholas Cage, but there's worse.
I vote ''Nasty Habits'' from the late 70s or early '80s.
The only movie i ever walked out on because it was so freakin' stupid.
It was about some nuns and was supposed to be a comedy.
Close second is the ''Spring Break'' or ''Fast Times At Ridgemont High'' type movies.
Anything ''Benny Hill'' gets an honorable mention here. Just stupid.
The Wicker Man.
That was 2hrs of my life I want back! :banghead:
I think it had Nicolas Cage in it too.
I actually asked for a refund and I've never done that before at a movie theater. I was told no, and I embarrassed my wife. But that was just an absolute abortion of a movie.

Yeah. Anything with Cage in it is useless as tits on a boarhog, IMO.
The list, at my age, is far too long. But recently I saw two different (Australian?) "westerns" that defy description. At some point somebody was putting tomatoes over a dead guy's eyes.

ANY of the twenty seven or thirty seven or one hundred eighty seven "Fast and Furious" series. There should be a federal law against Vin Diesel ever acting in any public production.

I agree I don't like Nicholas Cage, but there's worse.

I don't know. I kinda liked him in ***. Had he drove a Mopar instead of a sissy *** Pontiac, it wouldda been better......but at least it was an American car slam in the middle of Europe. That was cool.
Most recently- Pain and Gain with Mark wahlberg , the Rock,and Tony Shaloub. Netflix rental -the DVD was in the player and I tried to watch it twice but I just could not stand it.
The Day after Tomorrow.

Totally impossible to flood NYC and then have it freeze in just a few hours. The energy transfer rate would be so incredible (High Wind and incredibly low ambient temperature) that no human could ever survive it. It would also have to be being transferred somewhere else or the sun would have to stop burning.

It's also a "scare you into our agenda" movie which makes it even worse.