Early a kickdown set up ?



Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2006
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chgo suburbs
I installed a bouchillon kickdown in my 66 when i changed it from 2 bbl to 4bbl. I had some issues fitting it to the trans, (the clearance on my car is really tight around the trans) and I am not confident about it working correctly over the long haul. The cable is routing is bad and the end clamp is very tight inside the trans/floor pan area. It works fine for now. The oe set up has no issues fitting around the trans of course. Ideally I'd like to get the "right" oem set up installed again. I'm using the oe 4 bbl intake for the engine as well.

I need some help from another early A maniac. I want to duplicate the oem 4 bbl throttle linkage and kickdown for a 66 273, which I believe is unique to the 66 and older a bodies. I dont think this will be all that hard to do - some fabbing and welding mainly. But it's difficult without the correct measurements and accurate pictures.

I have a complete/correct 2 bbl set up and from I can tell there are three items I need to change.

What I need are three pieces of information:

1) the accurate shape and configuration of the carb arm on the cyl head z bar.

2) the accurate length of the carb link. ( I believe this is the same).

3) the top, front, and side profile of the carb throttle cable hold down.

Help is greatly appreciated.
Nice car in your avatar !

Thanks for the reply. What I have is the complete 2 bbl set up. I believe you are correct. The upper bell crank arm located on the rear of the cylinder head along with the throttle cable bracket hold down are what's different - I believe.

I'd like to duplicate that set up by copying the original stuff and doing some fabbing. Locating the original parts is like pulling teeth. I have never seen the correct parts in person.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated !
I can only answer your question with a question... On a 67 Commando setup, was the bellcrank assembly bolted to the back end of the head same as 66 ? I ask because I have all gathered but one little clip for my 67 but I think it may be 66 stuff. The 67 2 brl has the bellcrank on the intake so thats my clue. Also those linkage clips on this 4 brl. linkage are heavier made than those currently on the 67 2 brl.
Kickdown linkage is definately the most confusing mess ma mopar ever made.
Good luck
Redfish - I believe the 67 and up style is the type that bolts on the intake. So the type that bolts to the rear of the cylinder head is the older design. What would be another clue is the throttle cable hold down. If your 2 bbl intake had a rectangular boss on the intake a few inches behind the carb flange then it used the older style kickdown, if not then its the newer type. I also examined a fsm for a 67 polara, in it for the 318 motor the kickdown linkage is the later style as well, which should have been similar to the ones used on an A body of that year.

You have a pm btw.
If a third party could chime in here with the corrcet 67 273 Commando kickdown linkage available we would all smile.
I wish I knew, all I got with my 66 was the throttle cable keep, I too am very interested in what is proper. We have seceral different kinds around here, you could aalways use locar but I like stock too. I hope one of the gurus does chime in.
Vic: was your car a 4 bbl version or a 2 bbl ? If so, you may have the correct throttle bracket. Can you post a pic ? I have a 2bbl version to compare it to, if its different then one piece of the pie is solved. I have a general idea of what the 4 bbl piece might look like.
Here's a pic of what I have. The red square marks the odd looking clip I'm missing one of.
I've seen pics of the linkage where the first rod had a small ear with hole in it for attaching the return spring.

I hope these pictures help. I don't have a whole mock-up engine right now so I improvised. It looks to me that both 2 and 4 bbl. kickdown linkage is the same.

031 (2).jpg

032 (2).jpg

Redfish, that's 67 kickdown linkage. The one 66dartgt needs looks like the one that I posted. 64-66 uses a bellcrank that bolts to the back of the head.
I have no Idea why I am going to need a kickdown with my 4 spd! I am getting my projects mixed up' All that came with my fish is the small piece in the pic laying on the manifold that just holds the throttle cable.

old motor shot.jpg
the two bell crank styles you folks have are for 2 bbl set ups. Same as mine. I have found an old pic of a show car engine bay someone posted that shows the correct set up, but not clear enough for me to tell what it looks like in total.

Vic ! Can you get a close up shot of the piece in your engine picture, and no, you wont need a kickdown with a 4 spd LOL.

273 engine.jpg
ok excluding the yellow bucket pic ( totally different ) it appears the only difference between 2 brl and 4 brl is the first rod being either kinked or straight. Good luck
66dartgt, that is the exact same setup that I took pictures of today and posted. What is different? The bellcranks both attach to the back of the driver side cyl. head and the long rod goes to the kickdown bracket on the carb. Do you need a pic of the stock carb bracket?
Commando66's pics are correct & so is the setup on the show car pic. Heres a pic I scanned from my service manual. Will try to get some pictures & measurements from my Valiant & post.

I should probably just leave this thread alone from here on out.
I gotta say one thing... The throttle return slot in the kickdown linkage is a safety feature that I must have ! Without it just a small twig can jam the linkage under the car and hold the throttle open. I saw it happen to a 62 Plymouth when I was 8 years old. Good luck to all.
Its hard to see on pic I posted, but if you look closely at the bell crank arm you'll note that it appears to be curved forward and is not a straight piece, and it has to be bent outboard as well to line up using a straight link to the carb. 2bbls and 4 bbls are different in width. Maybe I am smoking something but I still see a difference.

commado - Yes I would like to see the throttle bracket if you can post a pic.

The fsm drawing is for a 2bbl set up. My 66 fsm has the same pic, but nothing showing the 4 bbl set up.

Lets see if anyone else chimes in with some new info.
Just took a complete look at the linkage on my 65 valiant which is an original commando car & its identical to drawing I posted. Only change affecting kickdown that i've made is it now has a 4 hole spacer on manifold & attaches to a eddy 600cfm carb.Still had the original carter 4bbl on with this linkage when I first bought her so mine at least is same as 2bbl but with early mopars there could definately be different factory setups between 2 & 4bbl 273's out there.
