Well-Known Member
Thought maybe sum ov ya'll mite be interested in a lil info that cost me a lot ov work...I used all tha front disc brakes, steering, Steer'in column, steer'in box(PS) from a 1971 dart SE wit V8...My car is a 66 dart wagon, which origonally had a slant 6, 3speed on tha column, std drum brakes!!!...Ok all wuz fine, but the bracker tha holds the clutch/brake pedals from the 71, will not fit the 66 body!!!....So, I used the 66 bracket with the 71 pedal, PB booster, booster brackets, and brake rod from the pedal to the booster!!!....Got the booster rebuilt by "Booster Dewey", and new dual master cyl....BUT, my pedal wuz only 3/4" from the floor!!!!....I had brakes, but the pedal would hit the floor before the tires would lock up....Couldn't figger out what the problem wuz by use'in all the 71 stuff......WELL, found the reason, and maybe my mistake will save sum body some greef...tha hole for the pedal pin is NOT in the same location on the 71 az the 66!!!...It'z about a 1/2" further to the rear ov the car!!!....WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS TO ME!!!......I had to ad 3/8" to the brake rod from pedal to booster bracket to put pedal in proper location....Brakes work great, juss took 3 or 4 hours un-doin what I thought wuz finished, to fix.....
Hopefully everbody iz smarter than me, an never run into a stupid lil problem like this, but who da hell woulda figgered tha damm hole ta be in a differnt location!!!!........Hope this saves sumbody tha stress test I juss went thru!!!!........REX
Hopefully everbody iz smarter than me, an never run into a stupid lil problem like this, but who da hell woulda figgered tha damm hole ta be in a differnt location!!!!........Hope this saves sumbody tha stress test I juss went thru!!!!........REX